Reporting and Assessment

Assessment at Drapers' Academy 

At Drapers' Academy, we believe assessment should be Motivating, Meaningful, and Manageable for both pupils and teachers. Our assessment approach has three key elements: 

Formative Assessment: 

Formative assessment happens in every lesson. It allows teachers to evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching and provide regular feedback to pupils to help them improve their learning. Techniques used include targeted questioning, live marking, and self/peer-assessment. 

Marking and Feedback: 

Each subject has a tailored Marking and Feedback policy, based on oue whole-school principles. Feedback is concise, constructive, and focuses on pupil progress, with a particular emphasis on those pupils we feel need a bit more support. 

Summative Assessment 

At Key Stage 3, pupils receive percentage scores twice a year in EBacc subjects (English, Maths, Science, History, Geography and Languages), reflecting their understanding of the curriculum. This will be reported home to parents. In addition, pupils will be given feedback on areas for improvement. For non-EBacc subjects (all other subjects except those listed above), pupils are assigned an 'Aptitude Level'. These levels can be associated with an idea of where, assuming pupils make normal progress, they might end up at the end of Key Stage 4. 

At Key Stage 4, pupils receive a predicted GCSE grade which is based upon some of the assessments they will sit during Year 10 and 11, as well as a target grade based upon their prior attainment. Comparing these grades helps us identify where additional support is needed. 

The combination of these assessment approaches ensures that assessment at Drapers' Academy is focused on supporting pupils' learning and progress. 


We report home to parents 3 times a year; at the end of each term. Reports contain the below information... 

KS3 (Year 7, 8 and 9) 

  • Achievement Points 
  • Behaviour Points 
  • Attendance 
  • Attitude to Learning (A2L) Grade 
  • Attitude to Others (A2O) Grade 
  • Home Learning Grade 
  • EBAcc Assessment Score (reported twice a year, as a %) 
  • Non-EBAcc Aptitude level 
  • Reading Age 

KS4 (Year 10 and 11) 

  • Achievement Points 
  • Behaviour Points 
  • Attendance 
  • Attitude to Learning (A2L) Grade 
  • Attitude to Others (A2O) Grade 
  • Home Learning Grade 
  • Recent Assessment Grade (twice a Year in Y10, 3 times a Year in Year 11) 
  • Predicted Grade 
  • Target Grade 

Below are some of the descriptors for the judgements above... 

Achievement Points – awarded for meeting the school’s values of being kind, respectful and purposeful.  

Behaviour Points – given for pupils failing to meet the school’s expectations. 

Recent Assessment Grade – KS4 only – the GCSE or equivalent grade attributed to a recent in class assessment. This may also be referred to as a ‘Mock Grade’ 

Predicted Grade – KS4 only – the GCSE or equivalent grade  

Attitude to Learning – a judgement for all pupils based upon their attitude to learning. Please see the 4 descriptors for this judgement below. 

1. Outstanding 

Pupil works hard every single lesson. 
Pupil embraces challenge and always perseveres, even during the most difficult tasks. 

Pupil engages in classroom discussion enthusiastically, displaying intellectual curiosity. 

Pupil is aspirational and wants to succeed academically, completing all classwork and extension tasks. 

Pupil respond to live marking and feedback, and demonstrates the ability to develop as a result of this. 

2. Engaged 

Pupil works hard in the vast majority of lessons, and requires little prompting from teacher. 
Pupils attempts challenging scenarios and perseveres, but sometimes requires encouragement from teacher. 
Pupil contributes to classroom discussion. 
Pupil wants to do well, and completes all classwork. 
Pupil responds to live marking and feedback, and develops as a result of this. 

3. Compliant 

Pupil completes class work set. 
Pupil follows instructions during lessons. 
Pupil answers questions when asked to. 
Pupil acts on feedback when directed, but does not seek this out. 

4. Reluctant 

Pupil avoids completing tasks to the best of their ability. 
Pupil requires reminders to remain on task. 
Pupil lacks necessary effort and motivation required to succeed. 
Classwork completion is inconsistent. 
Pupil doesn’t act on feedback to improve.  

 Attitude to Others – a judgement based upon pupil’s attitudes to others. Please see the 4 descriptors for this judgement below. 

1. Outstanding 

Pupil embodies Drapers’ values of Kindness, Respect and Purpose. 

Pupils complete independent practice in silence and never call out during lessons, supporting the learning of others by doing so. 
Pupil’s in class behaviour is exemplary. They work collaboratively with all pupils, regardless of who they are. 
Pupil celebrates diversity and promotes an inclusive environment. 

Pupil makes a highly positive contribution to the wellbeing of their peers and the entire school community. 

2. Engaged 

Pupil almost always embodies Drapers’ values of Kindness, Respect and Purpose. 

Pupil almost always completes independent practice in silence and rarely calls out during lesson. 
Pupil’s in class behaviour is excellent. They work collaboratively with pupils. 
Pupil ensures all pupils feel included in the school community. 

Pupil makes a positive contribution to the wellbeing of their peers. 


3. Compliant 

Pupil’s attitude to others requires developing – they can be respectful but do not always demonstrate this. 

Pupil follows the school’s behaviour policy, although sometimes the pupil’s actions falls short of this. This may include talking during independent practice or during the silent Do Now. 

The pupil acts in a disrespectful manner on a small number of actions. 

Pupil does not always work successfully in group situations. 

Pupil does not always make positive contributions to peers and the entire school community. 

4. Reluctant 

Pupil exhibits challenging attitudes and behaviour that undermines the school’s culture of respect, purpose and kindness. 

Pupil does not adhere to the school’s behaviour policy. 

Pupil disrupts the learning of others in class.  

Pupil does not often make positive contributions in class. 

Home Learning 

1. Outstanding 

Pupils in KS3 take pride in their homework diary and have it in every lesson. Pupils in KS3 write down homework tasks clearly into their planners. 

Pupils log into EduLink daily to check on what homework tasks they have due and when. 

Pupils always hand in homework on time. 

Pupils take care and consideration over their homework, and it is completed to an outstanding standard. 

Pupils always ask the teacher for help when they do not understand the task. 

If absent pupils catch up on the homework they have missed. 

Pupils attend homework club when needed. 

2. Engaged 

Pupils in KS3 have their homework diary every day in school and write homework tasks clearly for every lesson. 

Pupils log into EduLink on a regular basis to check what homework they have and when this is due in. 

Pupils often hand in homework on time but sometimes an extension is needed.  

Pupils' complete homework to a good standard. 

Pupils attend homework club when needed. 

3. Compliant 

Pupils attitude towards homework needs developing. They sometimes use EduLink to check for tasks but don’t always hand in homework. 

Pupils sometimes hand in homework but do not take pride in their work. 

Pupils do not always ask for help with homework when needed.  

4. Reluctant 

Pupils in KS3 do not have their homework planner in school every day.  

Pupils do not log onto EduLink to check for homework tasks. 

Pupils do not complete homework or ask for help when needed.  

Aptitude Levels (non-EBAcc) 

  • This provides an indication as to how pupil is performing in relation to pupils their age 

1. Outstanding – achieving well above age related expectations – would go on to achieve a Grade 7-9 assuming this trajectory is maintained. 

2. Good – achieving above age related expectations – would go on to achieve a Grade 5-6 assuming this trajectory is maintained. 

3. Satisfactory – achieving at age related expectations – would go on to achieve a Grade 3-4 assuming this trajectory is maintained. 

4. Working towards – achieving below age related expectations – would go on to achieve a Grade 1-2 assuming this trajectory is maintained.