
The Governors at Drapers' Academy

Drapers’ Academy under the direction of the Multi-Academy Trust, have an established governing body who have an important role in shaping the success of Drapers’ Academy and ensuring the school meets its education vision. The governors hold key responsibilities including;

  • ensuring the quality of educational provision
  • monitoring and challenging the performance of the school when needed
  • overseeing the finances of the school
  • employing staff
  • communicating with the Multi-Academy Trust with updates and developments of the school.

Drapers' Academy is very fortunate to benefit from a governing body, which includes representatives from a range of professional backgrounds. The Governors include a number of our sponsors and representatives from the local community.  Sponsor Governors are appointed by the sponsor, who also determine their term of office, which is not limited.  Non-sponsor Governors have a 4 year term of office, which may be renewed.  Records of attendance at meetings are published in the Multi-Academy Trust's Financial Statements.

Drapers' Multi-Academy Trust - Scheme of Delegation

Drapers' Academy Five Year Strategic Vision

The strategic goal of Drapers’ Academy is to provide an excellent education that raises its pupils’ aspirations, enhances their academic attainment and improves their chances of leading a fulfilling life.

To view the full strategic vision, please click on the link below.

Five Year Strategic Vision

Meet The Governors

Our Local Governing Body is made up of volunteers from our sponsors; The Drapers’ Company and Queen Mary University of London.

They contribute to strategic development and raising standards of achievement in our school. Our Governing Body works hard to ensure the best for all children through regular meetings and monitoring in school.

School governors have a wide range of responsibilities. They are in charge of planning the school’s future direction and can thereby help raise the standards of pupil achievement. Governors are also accountable to parents and their wider community for the performance of the school.

There are three core functions of a governing body, reflected in Ofsted’s inspection criteria:

  • Setting vision, ethos and strategic direction, engaging stakeholders and ensuring statutory duties are met.
  • Holding headteachers to account for teaching, achievement, behaviour and safety; challenging and strengthening leadership; contributing to school self-evaluation.
  • Ensuring financial solvency and probity with effective management of financial resources, including Pupil premium Grant, to raise standards.

Oliver Everett

Chair of Governors

The Drapers' Company


PEN Portrait


Alison Blunt

Vice-Chair of Governors

Queen Mary University of London


PEN Portrait


Simon Gaskell


The Drapers' Company


Jack Fox



Sue Monk

Community Governor



Susannah Tubbs

The Drapers’ Company



PEN Portrait


Edward Trower

The Drapers’ Company



Zahhra Butt

Parent Governor


Ellie Bailey

Parent Governor

School governors  are also responsible for specific actions such as ensuring that there is a procedure in place for handling complaints; approving school budget; appointing a headteacher.

Our Governing Body meets each half term and may rely on committees to advise their decisions. Committees may address issues such as staffing, finance, curriculum and premises. Archived records of attendance can be found at the bottom of this page.

2023 - 2024 DA Governor Attendance LogDeclaration of Interests for the Drapers' Academy Governors

Drapers’ Multi-Academy Trust also has a Board of Directors, responsible for ensuring that the schools work together across the MAT and share the same vision and ethos. They meet every term to ensure that the Local Governing Bodies of the schools are performing their duties and that the high expectations for achievement and shared ethos are well-managed.

Please click here to view the Drapers' Multi-Academy Trust Board of Directors page