
Drapers’ Academy has the agreed admission number of 210 pupils into Year 7 for the academic year from September 2025.

Apply for a secondary school place for September 2025

Consideration of Applications

Drapers’ Academy will consider all applications for places at the Academy. Where fewer applications for admission are received than the published admission number of 210 for admission to Year 7, the Academy will offer places to those who have applied.

Procedures where Drapers’ Academy is Oversubscribed

Where the number of applications is greater than the published admissions number, applications will be considered against the criteria set out below, in the following order:

  1. Looked After Children and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted.
  2. Children who have Siblings who are attending Drapers’ Academy.
  3. Pupils who attend our Feeder Primary Schools.
  4. Pupils’ residing Inside the agreed priority admissions area for Drapers' Academy.
  5. Pupils’ residing Outside the agreed priority admissions area for Drapers' Academy.

Looked After Children

Children who are classed as a looked after child (or children who were previously looked after, but immediately after being looked after became subject to adoption), child arrangements order, or special guardianship order.


Children whose brother or sister already attend a school within the MAT at the time of the application. Applicants applying under this criterion must also complete the schools supplementary information form - found within our full Admissions Policy.

Feeder Primary Schools

Pupils currently attending a school within the Drapers' Multi-Academy Trust.

Inside the agreed priority admissions area

Children who reside within the agreed priority admissions area with priority being given to those living closest to the school. The priority admissions area is shown as an appendix to the full Admissions Policy.

Outside the agreed priority admissions area

Children who reside outside the agreed priority admissions area, with priority being given to those living closest to the school.

Distance Measurements

In the event of a dispute over proximity, distances are measured using the Local Authorities Geographical Information System, using straight line measurement from the main entrance of the school to the centre of the child’s home.

In the event that places cannot be allocated on the above basis – e.g. for pupils that live exactly the same distance away – then the place will be offered on a random allocation, drawn by an independent person who is not involved in the admissions process.

Waiting List

The Local Authority will maintain the waiting list for admission of Year 7 pupils until the end of the autumn term for the academic year in question. Priority will be according to the criteria set out in section 3 as they apply on the date that the decision is made.

Process of Application

Applications must be made according to the Local Authority’s co-ordinated admission scheme and timetable for cohort years of entry, as defined in the table above.

Pupils wishing to transfer from their current school to a MAT school must apply using the Havering In Year Common Application form which is available via If places are available, applications will be prioritised in accordance to the criteria set out above.

There is a right of appeal to an independent appeal panel for unsuccessful applicants. Details can be found under paragraph 27 of our full Admissions Policy.

If you are a Year 6 pupil wanting to apply for Drapers' Academy this must be completed via Havering Admissions which can be found at

Admissions Policy

Secondary Admissions

It is the policy of Drapers' Academy to provide education for all children regardless of their different abilities and will not select any pupil by ability, aptitude or faith.  

Drapers' Academy complies fully with the School Admissions Code of Practice and the School Admission Appeals Code of Practice as these apply to maintained schools.

Places will be allocated according to the criteria below:

  • Looked after children and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted.
  • Children who have siblings who are attending Drapers’ Academy.
  • Pupils who attend our Feeder Primary Schools.
  • Pupils’ residing in the Academy’s agreed priority admissions area.
  • Pupils’ living outside the priority admissions area.

In-Year Transfer or School Place

If you are wanting to apply for either an In-Year transfer or school place you must do so through the London Borough of Havering Council, by following this link:

In Year and Secondary Appeals

Every parent has a right to appeal against decisions made by the Admissions Authority if their child did not get a place at their preferred school. Appeals must be made online via the Havering website.