Dress Code

We expect the standard of dress to reflect the Sixth Form students' positions of responsibility within the school.

It should reflect a business style and enhance the reputation of the school in the eyes of the local community, to visitors and our sponsors. In particular we expect the Sixth Form Students to set a positive example to the younger pupils in Years 7-11.


  • Tailored Jacket with skirt, trousers or dress
  • Shirt/Blouse
  • Plain jumper or cardigan
  • Shoes or boots of leather appearance
  • Fine or opaque tights
  • Jewellery and make up should be discreet


  • Tailored Jacket and trousers or a suit
  • Shirt with a standard collar
  • Tie
  • Plain jumper or cardigan
  • Shoes or boots of leather appearance

The following are not acceptable:

  • Trainers, canvas or flimsy footwear (including flip flops and `Ugg' boots)
  • Leggings
  • Polo Shirts
  • Clothing considered revealing or likely to cause embarrassment, e.g. transparent fabrics or low cut tops
  • Students must not wear clothing that exposes their midriffs, underwear or back areas
  • Denim is not allowed in any form i.e. jeans, skirts or jackets
  • Combat/ Cargo trousers
  • Hats
  • No hoodies or sweatshirts
  • Piercings must be discreet. No lip/nose piercings

The Senior Leadership Team reserves the right to decide what is considered appropriate and have the authority to withdraw students from lessons and ask them to travel home to change if practical to do so.