More Able Pupils

More Able (Mable) pupils are those pupils whose progress significantly exceeds age related expectations, as defined by Ofsted and the DfE.

At Drapers’ Academy, this also includes exceptionally able pupils whose skills and knowledge may extend beyond the school’s measure of progress and curriculum.

Mable pupils have a wide range of skills, capabilities, talents or qualities, across many subject areas. However, being a Mable pupil covers much more than just succeeding in tests and examinations.

Whilst some pupils may excel across many subjects, others might excel in a smaller number. These pupils are subject-able (Sable) pupils. Individual departments and teachers will identify pupils in their subject areas as Sable, based on characteristics specific to their department.

How do we identify Mable pupils?

  • Recognised as having significantly greater potential or performing at significantly higher levels than their peers.
  • Exhibits traits associated with MAble pupils including, but not limited to; inquisitives, high self-motivation, analytical and abstract thinking, good observational skills, concentration over long periods, creative and impressive linguistic skills.
  • Has an average CATS score of 110 (Years 9 and 10).
  • Has a KS2 Scaled Score average of 114.
  • Nomination by staff.
  • Teacher observation and assessment.
  • Data and pupil tracking processes.

The pupils are identified and placed on the Mable register. Particular focus, in conjunction with the Academy’s Diminishing the Difference strategy, is given to disadvantaged Mable pupils. If pupils are underachieving, they are not removed from the register; instead, appropriate intervention is implemented.

What opportunities do Mable pupils have?

There are a number of existing and future opportunities for Mable pupils at Drapers’ Academy. These include:

  • The Brilliant Club – 12 KS3, KS4 and 8 KS5 pupils will be mentored through a university level assignment by a PhD researcher. This is aimed at high performing pupils and is a great introduction to the rigour of university life and assessment. So far, our pupils have completed essays on ‘The Royal Progresses in Tudor Times’, ‘Why Are we Here? Exploring Answers from Science and Philosophy’, ‘Global Poverty: What Should the Rich of the World Do About it and Why?’ and ‘Disease Detectives’.
  • QMUL – Bridge the Gap – 10 x Year 10 pupils are enrolled on a course aimed at increasing the number of pupils studying Medicine and Dentistry. This course is followed up to Year 13 (providing pupils stay at Drapers’ sixth form).
  • University vists – pupils have a number of opportunities to visit universities, including the Centre of the Cell at Queen Mary University of London, Wadham College (Oxford), St John’s College (Cambridge), King’s College London, LSE and Goldsmith’s University.
  • MENSA testing – pupils are tested and have the opportunity to access course and events run by MENSA.
  • Maths Challenge – for talented Y9 and 10 pupils.
  • Speak Out Challenge – Year 10 pupils have the opportunity to take part in a public speaking competition, both in school and locally.
  • Debate Club – More Able pupils are encouraged to attend and improve their oracy skills.
  • School Council and Wellbeing Reps – More Able pupils are encouraged to become a part of the School Council and to become Wellbeing Reps.
  • Havering Youth Parliament – a number of our pupils (past and present) have applied for and been successful in joining the Havering Youth Parliament.
  • MAble Competitions and Masterclasses – our MAble pupils compete in a number of competitions locally against other schools; French (Y7), Maths (Y8), Science (Y9), Humanities (Y9 and 10).
  • Guest Speakers and Events – MAble pupils are invited to attend events with guests speakers, often from universities such as Cambridge (Application Support), and on a variety of topics.
  • Peer Mentoring – MAble pupils are offered peer mentoring from older MAble students, and are also encouraged to become Mentors for younger students.

Super-curricular Activity Ideas

Below are some ‘super-curricular’ links to a variety of websites/podcasts/books etc. that will provide you with opportunities to explore topics you are interested in with even greater depth. In order to achieve the top grades at GCSE and A-Level, reading beyond the subject specification is key!